
Ways to start Whole 30 and a meal plan example

When I first started out on my fitness journey, I had NO idea where to begin to eat healthily. There are so many different options to “count” calories or macros. WHAT??? What the heck am I getting myself into? You may wonder. Well, I had no idea what foods fueled my body and what foods hurt my body.

Originally I started out with Beach body’s 21 Day Fix portion control containers. They were easy to use and helped me keep track of what foods to eat and what foods to stay away from altogether. It seemed simple, yet I was still bloating and feeling uneasy on most days.

Why I chose Whole 30

The whole 30 was my next choice and it was the best decision of my life. Now you do not need to buy Whole 30 as there are tons of free options out there. However, I purchased the book off of amazon. The eBook went straight to my kindle and I was able to access it immediately.  The only difficult part was learning what foods I had to, essentially give up during the 30 days, such as grains, sugar, legumes, dairy, or junk food.  “OH HECK NO!!” You’re telling me I cannot eat RICE? or BREAD? or REESE’S? What in the world is going on?

Alright, so it’s not all bad. It was actually a way to see what my digestion problems were. I did not last the whole 30 days because let’s are real I NEED FOOD. However, I learned a lot in the 20 days that I did stick with it. I learned that cheese and beans make me bloat. I learned that eating too much pasta or rice makes me gassy and constipated (TMI, #sorrynotsorry).

Overall, I learned that it was a great experience to try Whole 30. To see how to better nourish my body. This gave me more insight into the proper way to feed my body.

Try WHOLE 30 For Yourself

Here you will find some information regarding Whole 30. The dos and the don’ts.


Eat real food, such as; meat, seafood, and eggs; vegetables and fruit; natural fats; and herbs, spices, and seasonings. Eat whole and unprocessed foods.


  • Consume added sugar, real or artificial. 
  • Consume alcohol, in any form, not even for cooking. 
  • Eat grains. 
  • Eat most forms of legumes. 
  • Drink or eat any dairy products. 
  • Consume carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites. 
  • Consume baked goods, junk foods, or treats with “approved” ingredients.* 
  • Step on the scale or take any body measurements for 30 days. 

Bucket List Attractions in St. Petersburg, Russia

Cruise into St. Petersburg, Russia with Royal Caribbean part 1

On our Northern European Cruise with Royal Caribbean we stopped at St. Petersburg, Russia.

It’s not often I visit locations and don’t find them fascinating. St. Petersburg, Russia is a unique modern city rich with history. We were only there for a day as our cruises left 12 hours later. The time we spent in Russia we learned a lot about the culture and history.

The State Hermitage Museum

We spent a good few hours walking around The State Hermitage Museum. The museum is one of the busiest and full of tourists which can drive you crazy. The museum is a large complex of six buildings, of those six only five are open to tourists. Don’t let the size fool you. You can spend days here and still not see everything.

As the second-largest art museum in the world, the museum houses several art collections from Catherine the Great whom purchased the impressive collection of paintings from the Berlin merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky. Many of the art pieces still remain in great condition to this day.

The building occupies 233,345 sq. meters in total area. With over 1,014,806 works of art, 1,125,975 numismatic objects, 214,771 other items such as; Egyptian antiques, classical antiques (the Room of Great Vases), Italian renaissance, 808,695 Archaeological artifacts, and 14,016 arms and armory.

Like I said before you can spend days here and still not see everything.

We spent about 2-3 hours roaming the museum and learning much about each different unique piece within the walls of The State Hermitage.

If you want to visit the State Hermitage, I highly recommend you plan on spending a few days roaming the museum. However, if you were like us and could only stay for a little I would suggest finding what part of the museum you’d like to visit first and go from there. It’s full of amazing pieces of art and priceless artifacts, you will never want to leave… unless you’re being pushed around because of the many other tourists then you’ll want to walk through at a fast pace.

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