If you’ve never made peanut butter cookies you’re missing out!
I had a few extra minutes to create these while my middle child and husband went to the ER for a possible broken finger (luckily it was only sprained). I surprised her with the cookies when she got home.
I have made these cookies since I as a little girl. They are delicious and super easy to make. Just follow the directions below!
Turn your oven onto 350°F (177°C) degrees.
Gather these Ingredients:
1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
1 Package of mini chocolate chips (optional)

Now, mix all the ingredients together. Once mixed grab small portions and roll them into balls.
**If you want something extra roll the balls in some sugar before placing on your cookie sheet.**

After rolling the balls (in the sugar if you went that route) place them on the cookie sheets about an inch apart. Now use a fork and create a crisscross (+) at the top.

It is the time to bake your cookies! Be cautious not to bake them too long of they’ll come out burnt. Place them in oven between 9-13 minutes depending on your oven temperature (mine heats up super fast; these were out in 10 mins).

Let them sit for about 2-3 minutes before eating anything!! You can store your cookies at room temperature. Enjoy!
*please note I used 2 cups of each ingredient and made 4 dozen cookies. **please use your own discretion when creating and eating these. Calories: ~224 calories per cookie