
My Second Pregnancy

I found out I was pregnant 4 days before my missed period. It was mid December and my super faint pink line was no cause for concern for me. I showed my pregnancy test to my husband who could not see the second line, saying I was not pregnant.

A few days after I took the test again and the line was darker. I went to the doctor and was about 7 weeks pregnant when I was seen! All you could see was the tiny little bulb where the baby was growing.

This pregnancy was a lot different than my first. I was convinced I was having a baby boy. My first pregnancy I was nauseous the first trimester. This pregnancy I had no nausea and was feeling amazing.

We lived in Germany and every visit I was able to see this little babe growing.

This little one kept growing and getting bigger. For my first and this pregnancy I stopped providing for the babies and they slowly gained weight the third part of my pregnancy.

I was 38 weeks pregnant when I went into the hospital for feeling unwell. I wasn’t sick but I just felt something was wrong. They immediately got me set up to monitor miss Hailey and at this point her heart rate was going down in the 90’s and they said I needed to be induced. We were having a baby!

They induced me around 5PM and I gave birth at 3 in the morning!

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