
Creating Lifelong Memories with Your Children

Life is a series of moments, and some of the most cherished ones are those we spend with our children. These moments not only shape their lives but also become the foundation of their most treasured memories. In this blog post, we’ll explore meaningful activities and experiences that you can share with your children to create lasting memories that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Exploring Nature Together:
One of the simplest yet most profound ways to create lasting memories with your children is by immersing yourselves in nature. Whether it’s embarking on family hikes through scenic trails or setting up a campfire under the starry night sky, these outdoor adventures foster a deep connection with the natural world and provide countless opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Family Traditions:
Creating unique family traditions can infuse your children’s lives with a sense of stability, continuity, and excitement. From decorating the Christmas tree together every year to baking special treats for Halloween, these traditions become touchstones of your family’s identity and provide joyful moments your children will eagerly anticipate.

Travel Adventures:
Traveling as a family is an incredible way to make lasting memories. Whether it’s a cross-country road trip, a visit to a new city, or an international adventure, these journeys expose your children to diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. These experiences broaden their horizons and provide a wealth of unforgettable moments.

Arts and Creativity:
Engaging in art and creative projects with your children can be incredibly rewarding. Whether you’re painting, crafting, or building together, these activities not only nurture their creativity but also result in tangible mementos of your shared efforts. Displaying their creations proudly in your home serves as a constant reminder of the beautiful moments you’ve created.

Cooking and Baking:
The kitchen is a place where memories are made, and involving your children in cooking and baking activities can be both fun and educational. Whether you’re passing down cherished family recipes or experimenting with new culinary creations, these shared moments around the dining table strengthen your bond.

Outdoor Activities:
Spending time together outdoors is a fantastic way to bond with your children. Whether you’re playing sports, engaging in friendly competitions, or simply enjoying the fresh air at the park, these outdoor adventures promote physical activity, teamwork, and quality time.

Reading Together:
The power of storytelling is immeasurable, and reading together before bedtime is a tradition that fosters imagination, language skills, and emotional connection. These moments spent in the world of books become cherished memories that ignite a lifelong love of reading.

Acts of Kindness:
Teaching your children about kindness and empathy is a gift that keeps on giving. Engage in community service and volunteer activities as a family, or encourage your children to perform random acts of kindness. These acts not only spread positivity but also create memories of compassion and generosity.

Family Adventures:
Family adventures come in all forms, from treasure hunts that spark a sense of adventure and curiosity to educational trips to museums and historical sites. These experiences combine fun with learning, enriching your children’s lives in ways they’ll carry with them into adulthood.

The moments you create with your children are more than just passing instances; they are the building blocks of their lives and the wellspring of cherished memories. Whether you’re exploring the great outdoors, embracing family traditions, or engaging in creative activities, these shared experiences strengthen your bond and provide a lifetime of stories to tell. Remember, it’s not about the grand gestures; it’s about the love, presence, and commitment you bring to every moment spent together. These are the moments that shape their childhood and leave an indelible mark on their hearts.

Things to Know about a Subchronic Hematoma

Going into my Final Pregnancy

My final pregnancy was a very hard, emotional, & scary one. I found out I was pregnant the end of October 2019. It was such a rush to know I was able to get pregnant again after so many years.

During the first week (~6 weeks pregnant) I started to bleed while I was at work. I was hysterical and immediately called the nurse advice line to see what my options were. I ended up at the clinic to see my Primary Care Manager (PCM). It was at that point I was told I was most likely experiencing a miscarriage and I needed to be referred to an OBGYN. My PCM carefully explained to me the possibility of the miscarriage and how it was nothing I did that caused it (which I still felt like it was).

I ended up at the OBGYN just a few hours later. I got to see a sac that was empty. I was told one of two possibilities; I was miscarrying or I was not far enough along to see an embryo. My husband was a different country away but i was lucky enough to have two friends there for support!

7 week baby

Another week goes by before I had another appointment. This time they saw the baby & we got to hear the heart beat. I wasn’t out of the woods yet. I had two other major bleeds and one that sent me to the hospital. I spent 24 hours in the hospital, again being told I was having a miscarriage.

I bled from November until middle of January and was on bed rest during that time. I was told to not move other than going to and from the restroom. It was super hard as I’ve always been an active person.

Second Trimester

Once I moved into my second trimester I still had the hematoma but was able to stop any contractions and bleeding.

My Second Pregnancy

I found out I was pregnant 4 days before my missed period. It was mid December and my super faint pink line was no cause for concern for me. I showed my pregnancy test to my husband who could not see the second line, saying I was not pregnant.

A few days after I took the test again and the line was darker. I went to the doctor and was about 7 weeks pregnant when I was seen! All you could see was the tiny little bulb where the baby was growing.

This pregnancy was a lot different than my first. I was convinced I was having a baby boy. My first pregnancy I was nauseous the first trimester. This pregnancy I had no nausea and was feeling amazing.

We lived in Germany and every visit I was able to see this little babe growing.

This little one kept growing and getting bigger. For my first and this pregnancy I stopped providing for the babies and they slowly gained weight the third part of my pregnancy.

I was 38 weeks pregnant when I went into the hospital for feeling unwell. I wasn’t sick but I just felt something was wrong. They immediately got me set up to monitor miss Hailey and at this point her heart rate was going down in the 90’s and they said I needed to be induced. We were having a baby!

They induced me around 5PM and I gave birth at 3 in the morning!

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