
Creating Lifelong Memories with Your Children

Life is a series of moments, and some of the most cherished ones are those we spend with our children. These moments not only shape their lives but also become the foundation of their most treasured memories. In this blog post, we’ll explore meaningful activities and experiences that you can share with your children to create lasting memories that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Exploring Nature Together:
One of the simplest yet most profound ways to create lasting memories with your children is by immersing yourselves in nature. Whether it’s embarking on family hikes through scenic trails or setting up a campfire under the starry night sky, these outdoor adventures foster a deep connection with the natural world and provide countless opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Family Traditions:
Creating unique family traditions can infuse your children’s lives with a sense of stability, continuity, and excitement. From decorating the Christmas tree together every year to baking special treats for Halloween, these traditions become touchstones of your family’s identity and provide joyful moments your children will eagerly anticipate.

Travel Adventures:
Traveling as a family is an incredible way to make lasting memories. Whether it’s a cross-country road trip, a visit to a new city, or an international adventure, these journeys expose your children to diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. These experiences broaden their horizons and provide a wealth of unforgettable moments.

Arts and Creativity:
Engaging in art and creative projects with your children can be incredibly rewarding. Whether you’re painting, crafting, or building together, these activities not only nurture their creativity but also result in tangible mementos of your shared efforts. Displaying their creations proudly in your home serves as a constant reminder of the beautiful moments you’ve created.

Cooking and Baking:
The kitchen is a place where memories are made, and involving your children in cooking and baking activities can be both fun and educational. Whether you’re passing down cherished family recipes or experimenting with new culinary creations, these shared moments around the dining table strengthen your bond.

Outdoor Activities:
Spending time together outdoors is a fantastic way to bond with your children. Whether you’re playing sports, engaging in friendly competitions, or simply enjoying the fresh air at the park, these outdoor adventures promote physical activity, teamwork, and quality time.

Reading Together:
The power of storytelling is immeasurable, and reading together before bedtime is a tradition that fosters imagination, language skills, and emotional connection. These moments spent in the world of books become cherished memories that ignite a lifelong love of reading.

Acts of Kindness:
Teaching your children about kindness and empathy is a gift that keeps on giving. Engage in community service and volunteer activities as a family, or encourage your children to perform random acts of kindness. These acts not only spread positivity but also create memories of compassion and generosity.

Family Adventures:
Family adventures come in all forms, from treasure hunts that spark a sense of adventure and curiosity to educational trips to museums and historical sites. These experiences combine fun with learning, enriching your children’s lives in ways they’ll carry with them into adulthood.

The moments you create with your children are more than just passing instances; they are the building blocks of their lives and the wellspring of cherished memories. Whether you’re exploring the great outdoors, embracing family traditions, or engaging in creative activities, these shared experiences strengthen your bond and provide a lifetime of stories to tell. Remember, it’s not about the grand gestures; it’s about the love, presence, and commitment you bring to every moment spent together. These are the moments that shape their childhood and leave an indelible mark on their hearts.

International Travel with Children

Don’t worry, I am here to help you. Just know each family will have a different traveling experience.

You need to start with a positive mindset and start preparations earlier rather than later. Just remember these opportunities are absolutely amazing for your children. Not only to get them used to being, little travelers but to let them experience different cultures.

You need to follow the steps below in order to have a fun vacation with little headache.

Passports, Visas & Other Documentation

Start by checking each person’s passport for an expiration date. Each person’s passport needs to be valid at least six months beyond your trip. Not all countries require this expiration, but many do. If your passports expire before six months make your appointment to get new ones. For those traveling from the US, click here for any passport needs including appointments and forms required. Be sure to do this at least three to four months before your trip as some passports can take up to twelve weeks to arrive.

Visas are required for many countries. Before booking flights make sure you have the visas for the countries you plan to visit. You will need to search the country’s embassy website for the appropriate visa requirements.

All members of the family must possess a passport and visa (if applicable) before traveling outside of the United States. If children will be traveling without their parents a notarized letter must accompany those under age 18, find more information here. This may not be requested by the airlines but it’s just to cover you. Some locations require the mother or father to carry such notarized letters to show they’re able to take the children out of the country, in particular, if they do not share the same surname.

Now that you’ve got your travel documents settled let’s look at flights and accommodations.

Booking flights & Accommodation

Now it’s time to start booking your travel. Start looking for flights or other transportation needs. 

If you’re cruising you may be able to book flights through the cruise line. If you’re flying you will need to check flight itineraries to see what would work best for you. International flights are long flights, usually more than 10 hours, not including stops. If you plan an international flight, you may want to start by booking flights during the night. Make sure to bring plenty of snacks and activities for the different age groups of children.

Keep in mind most airlines have an age limit, meaning super young infants may not be able to fly. You will need to check with the airlines about lap children or if you want to purchase your infant or toddler’s seat at a lower price than an adult ticket.
Additionally, you will want to make sure you plan ahead with car rentals, taxis, or other vehicle accommodations. If you know how you’re going to get around that helps you plan additional activities in or around your location. Please make sure to only use Taxis that are advertised. Many people pretend to be Taxi drivers but then ask for a fortune at the final destination. To avoid this, only go to Taxi drivers in the Taxi lanes that have a Taxi number on the car.

Finally, booking hotel rooms through the hotel website can be tricky, if you plan to have more than 5 people in the hotel you will need to call or email the hotel to book the “Family Connecting Rooms” or for larger group bookings. If you do not plan to stay at a hotel you may want to contact the property, you’re trying to stay at to make sure it can accommodate everyone in the party, including toddlers and infants.

You can use my travel checklist here (Password: Memories2022). This checklist will help with organizing your travel plans and give some guidance on what to pack.

Travel Tips & Tricks

Budget: When traveling, make sure you have enough spending money for your destination. Make sure you understand that not all currencies cost the same. Many European countries use Euros. Euros cost .91 cents to the dollar and this can change daily. Therefore, the dollar costs about $1.10 cents to 1 euro. If you don’t realize this you may be budgeting out of your limit.

When booking your destination make sure you find a location for everyone in the group. You may want to look at the activities each place offers too. Some locations offer babysitting and spa treatments. While others don’t offer activities but do offer maps and ideas of what you are able to do around the city.

Travel Insurance: It may seem silly, but booking travel insurance can help in case of emergencies. If you miss your flight or lose your luggage it can help during those stressful times.

Stoller Accessories: Many places in Europe have cobblestone roads, meaning an umbrella stroller may not work properly for you. But, you can find many great travel strollers with larger wheels that may accommodate these cobblestone roads.

Plan for Jetlag: Jetlag happens and there usually is no avoiding it. The time differences may get to you and everyone in your group. You need to plan for jetlag and hope it passes sooner rather than later. It usually is worse for children. Just plan to try to stay up until at least 8 PM to give yourself a good chance of sleeping throughout the night. Try not to take any naps throughout your first day to keep you standing up, as it may seem like a good idea, but it is not.

Kids Activities & Toys: Plan to pack one or two activities for the kiddos. These items can be put in the diaper bag. Don’t pack their entire toy chest as you may lose some items or just not have enough room on the way back to pack them all. As previously mentioned, make sure to contact the hotel for a child bed well in advance.

Realistic Expectations: Remember you cannot do everything the country can offer in your short trip. Having realistic expectations can go a long way in making your family vacation a success. If you want to visit more than one destination, then plan your visit accordingly and understand you may need to spend several days at that location to get all the sightseeing in.

Traveling with children can be rough but try to remember it will get easier the more you travel with them. The best way to travel is with a plan.



Traveling Through Austria


We’ve been to Austria a few times and on one of our first trips we ended up getting a €250 euro fine. When traveling outside of Germany several other countries require vignettes. A vignette is a sticker you pay for before crossing the border to place on your windshield. They have several different types: 7 days, 30 days, and yearly vignettes.

We never saw signs to purchase this vignette back in 2013. This time, in 2021, we purchased the vignette beforehand with ADAC (kind of like AAA in the US).

Where to visit

Kehlsteinhaus (Hitler’s Eagles Nest)

In 2013, we went to the Eagles Nest (Kehlsteinhaus), one of Hitler’s hideouts. It’s a historic landmark now and was absolutely interesting to see. It was built in 1937 and you are able to view the underground tunnels and rooms. We were able to see all around when on top of the mountain. We did not spend much time at the location but to be able to view the history was amazing and we highly suggest going there.


We went to Innsbruck in September 2021. We visited the downtown area and walked the streets. Because of COVID, we did not do much else. However, we still had a good time and enjoyed ourselves.

Places to stay


Edelweiss is where we stayed the time we went to Eagles Nest. Edelwiess is nesstled in the Garmisch area. The scenery is gorgeous. I’ll cover this hotel more in another post.

Hotel Mondschein

The hotel was easy to find… parking was not. We ended up in their parking garage but barely made it before it was full. The hotel room was HUGE. We ended up in a two-bedroom two-bath suite and it was very spacious. Breakfast was a usual European breakfast with teas, coffee, meats, and cheeses. We only stayed one night. The customer service was great.

Overall Austria is a great country to visit and we do highly suggest scoping out your route before driving. Enjoy!

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